Monday, August 10, 2009

Invisalign Teen

Discover Invisalign Teen! Clear orthodontic tooth aligners for TEENAGERS! Schedule a Free Consultation Appointment by calling the office at 269-2022.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Happiness"

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, & something to hope for."

Author: Allan Chalmers

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Orthodontic Treatment

...Go Beyond Braces
.......Beyond Amazement
............Beyond Imagination, and
.................Enjoy the Smile of a Life Time

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clean Teeth May Improve Your Brain

"New finding. Surprising results. Seeing your dentist regularly may actually help your brain. It seems that periodontal problems, also known as gum disease, may be related to onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

· Do you floss your teeth every night?
· Do you floss your teeth between meals?
· Do you floss your teeth properly?
· Have you seen your dentist lately?
· Do you have any bleeding or soreness in your gums?

Some of us tend to avoid seeing the dentist as regularly as we have been told we should. Some of us avoid flossing our teeth because it can be difficult to get between tightly packed teeth and sometimes the floss can tear in the process. Lately, many of us are struggling with financial deficits, debts and problems. And, there are not many really good dental health plans to alleviate some of the financial burden of having our teeth properly checked.

So, you may have been thinking, "It's only my teeth. If the problem gets severe enough, the dentist will just extract the tooth, and I'll be done with it." If this is the way you've been handling your dental health - or - if you've just been putting off that needed dental appointment to buy some item for your house, to go on a fun vacation, to buy some extra clothes, or for some frivolous fun, think again. At New York University, a team of doctors have recently linked Alzheimer's Disease to periodontal problems, i.e., gum disease. These doctors have found high levels of bacterial infections that elevate inflammatory molecules in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. This current research corroborate earlier research form The University of British Columbia, which revealed high levels of the same bacteria found in periodontal disease within the brains of patients suffering from dementia.

These doctors are not suggesting that just clearing up periodontal problems will immediately heal Alzheimer's Disease. However, the research does suggest that a clean bill of dental health may slow the progression of this debilitating disease. Angela Kamer, Assistant Professor at the NYU College of Dentistry and her research team, compared the brain function of 18 Alzheimer's patients at an early stage of the disease with what is considered "normal brain function." What they discovered is that 72% of the Alzheimer's patients had an antibody associated with periodontal bacteria, whereas only 38% of the normal group had such an antibody.

I am not a dentist and have no affiliation with the field of dentistry. I just found this study to be an alarming wake up call. So - if you've been putting off that dreaded visit to your local dentist or if you've had pain and bleeding gums for awhile and you think that's just because you have more sensitive gums, or some such incorrect assessment - think again. Taking care of your teeth may help to preserve your health in ways that you do not realize, perhaps even beyond this recent research about Alzheimer's."

Author: Erica Goodstone, Ph.D. Platinum Quality Author

Article Source:

Friday, July 31, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Service to Others"

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Author: Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Summer Essay Contest

What exciting adventures happened to you this summer? How did you spend your summer vacation? Did you travel to far away cities? Was your summer filled with lots of fun things that made you happy and brings a smile to your face when you remember the moments? Tell us how you spent your summer vacation …. Submit a short story about your Summer Smiles, and you could be a Winner of our Summer Essay Contest. Everyone is invited to participate as there are separate contests for each age group. Email your entry to

Best of Luck, and Have a Fantastic Summer Vacation!
Dr. Robert P. Fields

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Implications"

"I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty."

Author: John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Invisalign for Adults and Teenagers

It is not uncommon for the teeth to shift slowing over time due to the daily use of the teeth and the body's normal aging process. If you had orthodontic treatment when you were a teenager and now your teeth have had some undesirable changes, consider INVISALIGN as an excellent opportunity to touch up your smile. Invisalign uses clear tooth aligners to re-align the teeth and helps re-create a beautiful smile!

Call our office at 269-4715 to set up a FREE ORTHODONTIC EXAMINATION! See what Invisalign can do for YOU and your smile!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer & Braces: "Cool Smiles"

SUMMER is here, but it will be gone before you realize it!!! Schedule a FREE Orthodontic Examination for the Kids TODAY by calling our office for your complimentary appointment!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Equality"

"Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. "

Author: Muhammad

Friday, July 24, 2009

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

"Orthodontic braces have become a popular orthodontic procedure to improve the appearance of your teeth. Benefits of braces that are used for aligning or straightening the teeth are many. It gives you a straight row of teeth, a beautiful smile and consequently improved looks. All these benefits will serve to boost your self-esteem.

If the basic dental problems are left untreated, they may become worse and more complex to correct over the years. Improper bite can lead to chewing difficulties and irregular wear of tooth surfaces. Better aligned teeth helps to overcome problems such as tooth decay, gum problems, tooth loss and other severe orthodontic issues. Common issues such as crowded teeth, protruded teeth, spaced teeth, buck teeth, widely spaced teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites and more can be treated with this treatment.

There are various types of fixed and removable orthodontic braces used to reposition the teeth. The different types of braces include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces and clear plastic braces. Metal ones are mostly used for orthodontic treatment of children. Treatment with the clear ceramic and invisible ones is beneficial for those who do not want their braces to be noticeable. These realign teeth in the same way as the metal ones do. The invisalign braces, virtually invisible ones, are modern alternatives to traditional braces.

Orthodontic specialists give close attention to the particular problems of each patient. By analyzing the patient's orthodontic problem, the orthodontist will decide on the right orthodontic braces treatment procedure. The average duration of this treatment is 2 to 3 years. Many orthodontic care service providers offer treatment options with affordable payment plans."

Author: Dr. Peter J. Theodorou

Article Source:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dental Tips: "Tooth Enamel"

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Be sure to protect your teeth with daily tooth brushing and dental flossing ..... Your teeth help create a beautiful smile!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Human Progress"

"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward justice requires sacrifice, suffering, & struggle."

Author: Martin Luther King

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dental Tips: "Tooth Brush"

Replace your toothbrush after periods of illness like "colds", the "flu" or other systemic infections. The bacteria from the illness could become embedded into the toothbrush and lead to re-infection or a relapse of the original condition or symptoms.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Family"

... Discover a Practice

........Where Patients
............. Becomes Family
.................. And Smiles
...................... Becomes Reality

Friday, July 17, 2009

Patient Appreciation Day: Summer Movie Bash

Our annual Summer Movie Bash was a great success. It was a complete sellout, and everyone had fun with lots of prizes to giveaway. I hope that you enjoyed the evening and the movie ..... Our office certainly appreciates you, our patients, and this night was a gift to you.

Here's wishing you the very best for the rest of the summer!

Dr. Fields and all of our staff

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dental Tips: "Types of Toothbrushes: Electric or Manual"

"Recently, my observation has been that the one area that seems to attract the most indecision is the subject of what toothbrush to buy. With manual toothbrushes people ponder over whether to get a soft bristle, or a medium, or a hard bristle. Should it be angled or straight? In my office, people also often ask: "How often should I replace my toothbrush?" (As often as once every other month. Don't let it go beyond three months on average. Also, replace them after being sick. The bristles retain germs.)

Is an electric really better than a manual? If so, what kind? Sonic, rotary, or oscillating?

It can get pretty confusing. So let me sum it up for you.

I'm not sure every dentist will agree with me (only "three out of four" of us agree on anything anyway) :-) but here goes my opinion:

If you're buying a manual brush, get a soft bristle. If you are deciding between a manual and electric - go for the electric. In my experience battery-powered brushes are fine, but rechargeable brushes are more convenient and eliminate the cost of frequent battery changes. Rotation-oscillation is usually preferred, but I have seen excellent results with the sonics as well.

Soft bristles are kinder to the gums, and since you should be paying attention to your gum-line when you brush, this is important. When I was in dental school I recall a lecture explaining that soft bristles were also "end-rounded," which means that if you looked at the tips of the bristles under magnification, their ends are, well, rounded. This is opposed to bristles cut off at sharp angles on the harder brushes. I guess the manufacturers figure if you're going for the harder bristle, "What the heck. There is no point to rounding off these babies, let's keep 'em really rough." The trouble is this can be abrasive to your gums.

As for the electric brush, I think a consensus exists that -- per time spent brushing -- more plaque is removed. So this is worth the extra investment. If finances are tight, I believe that you still can achieve excellent results with a manual brush - if you use it correctly. This means brushing in the correct directions, with the right motions and with the appropriate amount of force. Have your dentist or hygienist demonstrate the recommended technique to you. Also, if you have all your teeth, you should also spend at least two minutes brushing them. In my observation, the trouble is that most people simply don't brush long enough. So time your brushing. One study showed most people think they are brushing much longer than they actually are. Since human nature seems to be inclined to "rush the brush," this is where electric brushes have an advantage over the manual. Many of them have built-in timers. You can still cheat, but at least you will know you are doing it."

Author: Richard J. Walicki, D.M.D

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Invisalign Teen

Discover Invisalign Teen! Clear orthodontic tooth aligners for TEENAGERS! Schedule a Free Consultation Appointment by calling the office at 269-2022.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Change"

"Change happens not over five or ten years but in the Moment that you make a real decision and decide to act upon it!"

Author: Unknown

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash: Special Invitation

To reserve your FREE MOVIE TICKETS, please RSVP through our office twitter account at Ymvtz2 or simply "copy and paste" our twitter address,, into your internet search engine's browser window at the top of your screen, and you will be able to "Join" twitter, open an account, "Send" messages, and "Follow" our office updates & announcements. Then, follow the "Twitter Texting Instructions" which are provided here and send a DIRECT MESSAGE to our office with the following information:

1. Your Full Name (Patient)

2. Your Best Friend's Full Name

3. Your Home Telephone Number

4. Your Email address

5. Number of "Extra" Movie Tickets requested**

6. Date of your message

Here is an Sample of how your DIRECT MESSAGE should be formatted:

Patient (Jane Doe), Best Friend (Sarah Jones), Phone (904-269-2022), Email (, Extra tickets (4), July 7th (Date)

**“Friends & Family” are also invited to attend this Special Summer Bash Event. Additional tickets for all of your Friends & Family will be made available for purchase at a discounted rate of $6.00 per ticket. Friends & Family can reserve a seat by contacting our office at any of the “Movie Voucher Pick-up Times” and pre-pay for your “Movie Tickets”. “Movie Vouchers” will be provided at that time which will be redeemable for your actual “Movie Tickets” during the “Movie Ticket Distribution” at the AMC Movie Theater inside the Orange Park Mall on Friday, July 17th.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash

Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

Who: Our Patients and Your “Best Friend”

All orthodontic patients of the office of Dr. Robert P. Fields, your friendly neighborhood Orthodontist, are invited to attend a private showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Please bring your very “Best Friend” along to help celebrate & participate in all of the Fun and Excitement of the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

What: Patient Appreciation Event

This exciting Annual Summer Event & Movie Night is sponsored by the Orthodontic office of Dr. Robert P. Fields in appreciation for all of the “Beautiful Smiles” of the many patients that have visited his office over the past sixteen years. Here’s to all of our patients and their “Beautiful Smiles”, “Happy Faces”, our Great Friends, and to a Wonderful Summer of Fun in the Sun!

When: Friday, July 17th

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will premiere in July, and you are invited to be our guest on the opening night which will be Friday, July 17th at 5:00 pm! Plan to attend and enjoy a Night into the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

Where: AMC Movie Theaters (OP Mall)

The Movie Night event will be held at the Orange Park Mall in the AMC Movie Theaters which is located at 1910 Wells Road, Orange Park, Florida 32073. If you need directions, please feel free to contact our office at 904-269-2022.

How: Procedure for Reserving Your Seats

Movie “Vouchers”, which will entitle each patient to two (2) Movie “Tickets” to see the movie at our private showing on Friday, July 17th, will be provided to each patient who “reserves” their tickets in advance. Movie Vouchers will be distributed on a “first come” basis and continue until all of the seats in the reserved movie theater have been distributed. To reserve your FREE MOVIE TICKETS, please RSVP through our office twitter account at Ymvtz2 or simply "copy and paste" our twitter address,, into your internet search engine's browser window at the top of your screen, and you will be able to "Join" twitter, open an account, "Send" messages, and "Follow" our office updates & announcements. Then, follow the "Open a Twitter Account (Instructions)" and the "Twitter Texting Instructions" that have been provided in this blog on July 7, 2009 and immediately send a DIRECT MESSAGE to our office. For more information, feel free to contact our office at 269-2022 as follows:

Orange Park Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
421 Kingsley Avenue
Bldg. 300, Suites 301
Orange Park, FL 32073

July 6th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 8th Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 14th Tuesday 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Fleming Island Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
2245 Plantation Center Drive
Bldg. 6, Suites 34 & 35
Fleming Island, FL 32003

July 7th Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 9th Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 13th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Additional Tickets for “Family & Friends”

“Friends & Family” are also invited to attend this Special Summer Bash Event. Additional tickets for all of your Friends & Family will be made available for purchase at a discounted rate of $6.00 per ticket. Friends & Family can reserve a seat by contacting our office at any of the “Movie Voucher Pick-up Times” and pre-pay for your “Movie Tickets”. “Movie Vouchers” will be provided at that time which will be redeemable for your actual “Movie Tickets” during the “Movie Ticket Distribution” at the AMC Movie Theater inside the Orange Park Mall on Friday, July 17th.

Movie “Ticket” Distribution

You can pick up your actual “Movie Tickets” at the Orange Park Mall AMC Movie Theater, on Friday, July 17th from 5:00 pm until 5:15 pm. Our office will have a movie ticket distribution table in the lobby of the Orange Park AMC Movie Theater, and our staff will be glad to assist you with your movie tickets and theater passes.

Details and Information:

For any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact our office at any time as our office staff will be glad to assist you in any way possible. Our office telephone number is 904-269-2022.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Movie Bash: Twitter Registration for your Free Movie Tickets

To reserve your FREE MOVIE TICKETS, please RSVP through our office twitter account at Ymvtz2 or simply "copy and paste" our twitter address,, into your internet search engine's browser window at the top of your screen, and you will be able to "Join" twitter, open an account, "Send" messages, and "Follow" our office updates & announcements. Then, follow the "Twitter Texting Instructions" which are provided here and send a DIRECT MESSAGE to our office with the following information:

1. Your Full Name (Patient)

2. Your Best Friend's Full Name

3. Your Home Telephone Number

4. Your Email address

5. Number of "Extra" Movie Tickets requested**

6. Date of your message

Here is an Sample of how your DIRECT MESSAGE should be formatted:

Patient (Jane Doe), Best Friend (Sarah Jones), Phone (904-269-2022), Email (, Extra tickets (4), July 7th (Date)

**“Friends & Family” are also invited to attend this Special Summer Bash Event. Additional tickets for all of your Friends & Family will be made available for purchase at a discounted rate of $6.00 per ticket. Friends & Family can reserve a seat by contacting our office at any of the “Movie Voucher Pick-up Times” and pre-pay for your “Movie Tickets”. “Movie Vouchers” will be provided at that time which will be redeemable for your actual “Movie Tickets” during the “Movie Ticket Distribution” at the AMC Movie Theater inside the Orange Park Mall on Friday, July 17th.

Twitter Texting Instructions

DIRECT MESSAGES are used for Private Messages and Personal Information


2. Go to the top line that says “SEND A DIRECT MESSAGE”, & Click on the arrow in the drop-down box.

3. Review the list of names and Click on “drrobertfields”

4. Type in your message of 140 characters or less

5. Click on “SEND” and your message will be sent privately to our office

REPLY MESSAGES are Public Messages that are posted to the Twitter home page (Not Private)

1. Go to a Twitter message on the home page with the photographic image of Dr. Robert Fields

2. Move your cursor arrow to the Tweet and a “Curved Arrow” will appear on the right side of the message which indicates a “Reply to DrRobertFields”.

3. Click on the “Curved Arrow”

4. In the box at the top of the screen, type in your message of 140 characters or less

5. Click on “REPLY” and your message will be sent publicly to the home page of the Twitter account.

Disclaimer: These “Reply Messages” or Public Messages can be seen and read by anyone & everyone … They are not private messages! Therefore, be sure to use family-friendly language and appropriate message content. Also, be careful and do not reveal any personal or private information that could be used in a negative fashion or result in personal identity theft. Inappropriate content or messages are subject to removal from the home page and could result in the loss of access & privileges to this twitter account.

Opening aTwitter Account (Instructions)

1. Click on the link Ymvtz2 or simply "copy and paste" our twitter address,, into your internet search engine's browser window at the top of the screen & hit the “Enter” key on the computer keyboard. From here, you will be able to "Join" twitter, open an account, and "Follow" our office updates and announcements.

2. SKIP THIS STEP if you do NOT already have a twitter account. If you already have a twitter account, Click on the “FOLLOW” box which is located directly under the photographic image of Dr. Fields

3. If you do not have a twitter account, then Click on “JOIN TODAY”

4. Now, enter your “Full Name”, Twitter “Username”, “Password”, “Email” address and type in the two-word phrase that appears on your screen. Then, Click on “CREATE MY ACCOUNT”

5. Skip the next step and Click on “SKIP THIS STEP” at the bottom of the screen

6. Select or De-Select any other twitter accounts that you may want to follow at this time or simply Click on “SKIP THIS STEP” at the bottom of the screen

7. At this point, you have successfully opened a twitter account which is now available by computer. If you would like to activate your PHONE for SMS Text Message updates, then Click on “SETTINGS” which is located at the top right side of the screen.

8. Click on “DEVICES”

9. Enter “+1” followed by your Cell Phone Number as follows: “+19042692022”

10. Click in the box that is adjacent to the following statement: “It’s okay for twitter to send txt messages to my phone. Standard rates apply”

11. Once you have registered your cell phone, Click on “FOLLOWING” which is located at the top right side of the screen.

12. Now, Click on the PHONE ICON which is located in the settings column in order to link the Cell Phone to the Dr. Robert Fields twitter account.

13. You are finished! Have fun and stay up-to-date with the latest news from Dr. Robert Fields

Disclaimer: Please be aware that our office recommends that the parents should monitor any twitter activity in order to determine if this social networking site or any other internet activity is appropriate for their family’s use. Parents may want to set up their own twitter account for monitoring purposes. Patients under the age of 18 should not use or open a twitter account without the knowledge and expressed permission of the parents. Our office is not responsible for any other twitter activity or content that may be inappropriate that does not appear in our office twitter account.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash (Movie Trailer)

This year's Summer Movie Bash may be the Best Ever! Take a moment check out the movie trailer through the following link ...... It appears to be truly amazing!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 6WYa43

If you would like more information pertaining to the 2009 Summer Movie Bash, please review to the blog entry that was made on May 13, 2009. Additionally, you can also follow our office twitter account at in order to keep up-to-date with all of the latest details and to participate in the prizes and giveaways that will be occurring during the event in July 2009. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: Happy Independence Day (4th of July)

Happy Independence Day! "Freedom" rings loud and clear. God Bless America and a tremendous "thanks" to all of our military veterans.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dental Update: "Bleeding Gums"

Bleeding gums are a significant problem. Your gums and the supporting gum tissue keep your teeth healthy. Brush and floss your teeth everyday and brush your gums to keep them clean too.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2009 Summer Essay Contest

What exciting adventures happened to you this summer? How did you spend your summer vacation? Did you travel to far away cities? Was your summer filled with lots of fun things that made you happy and brings a smile to your face when you remember the moments? Tell us how you spent your summer vacation …. Submit a short story about your Summer Smiles, and you could be a Winner of our Summer Essay Contest. Everyone is invited to participate as there are separate contests for each age group. Email your entry to

Best of Luck, and Have a Fantastic Summer Vacation!
Dr. Robert P. Fields

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Movie Bash

All orthodontic patients of the office of Dr. Robert P. Fields, your friendly neighborhood Orthodontist, are invited to attend a private showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Please bring your very “Best Friend” along to help celebrate & participate in all of the Fun and Excitement of the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer & Braces

SUMMER BREAK is here!!!. Schedule a FREE Orthodontic Examination for the Kids TODAY by calling our office for your complimentary appointment!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: Past, Present, Future

"I decided not to let my past rule my future so I decided to change my present in order to open up my future."

Author: Dr. Ana M Guzman

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dental Update: Gingivitis

Please take gum disease ("gingivitis") seriously because if it advances to a more advanced stage, it can disturb your overall health.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

FNDC Meeting

The annual Florida National Dental Congress was held this week in Orlando and sponsored by the Florida Dental Association for its members. The meeting provides a variety of professional speakers and topics for continuing education in the field of dentistry. Attendance appears to be down this year and the Florida temperatures seem to be hotter than usual, but Orlando is a great meeting location at any time of the year.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes:

"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world."

Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer & Braces

School is out for Summer! Congratulations - Don't forget that the Summer is a great time for braces. Call the office at 269-2022 to set up a Free Orthodontic consultation and examination.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Invisalign Teen

Discover Invisalign Teen! Clear orthodontic tooth aligners for TEENAGERS! Schedule a Free Consultation Appointment by calling the office at 269-2022.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Suresmile Braces

The latest advances in clinical technology now allow for the use of robotics to bend the orthodontic wires so that individual tooth movements can be incorporated simultaneously throughout the entire mouth. Therefore, the actual treatment results are completed more quickly .... approximately 40% faster than traditional braces! The most amazing aspect of this technology is that the robots can place bends in the wires in all three planes of space for every tooth, and it can all be completed at the same time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dental Tips: "Coke & Cavities"

The year that Coca-Cola, Inc. introduced their new soda product called "Coke", there was a huge surge in the number of patients with tooth decay problems.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Balanced Diet"

If I eat equal amounts of dark chocolate and white chocolate, would it be considered a balanced diet?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dental Tips: "Tooth Brush"

Be sure to replace your toothbrush after you have had a cold, the flu, other infections, or a recent illness. The bacteria from the illness could become embedded in the toothbrush and could cause a re-infection or relapse after your initial recovery period.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Smiles"

You’re not fully dressed until you put on a Beautiful Smile!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It is not uncommon for the teeth to shift slowing over time due to the daily use of the teeth and the body's normal aging process. If you had orthodontic treatment when you were a teenager and now your teeth have had some undesirable changes, consider INVISALIGN as an excellent opportunity to touch up your smile. Invisalign uses clear tooth aligners to re-align the teeth and helps re-create a beautiful smile!

Twitter Contest Answer: INVISALIGN

Call our office at 269-4715 to set up a FREE ORTHODONTIC EXAMINATION! See what Invisalign can do for YOU and your smile!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dental Tips: A Guide on Choosing Toothpastes

"Every individual’s teeth are unique with respect to the condition they are in. Therefore, it is important that the choice of a toothpaste be made after due consultation with a qualified dentist. A dentist first examines the oral condition of an individual and only then recommends a specific type of toothpaste, which will prove effective in remedying the issues that require resolution.

Some toothpaste brands have ingredients that prove effective in tartar control, whereas others are used for desensitizing sensitive teeth.

It is important that the toothpaste used by you, is approved by the American Dental Association
(ADA). ADA grants approval to only those toothpaste brands that meet its criteria for effectiveness, safety, and scientific support for claims made through toothpaste advertisements.

To such approved brands of toothpastes, ADA grants a certification that contains ADA's Seal of Acceptance.

Some toothpaste brands may meet ADA's criteria of safety and effectiveness. However, their manufacturers may choose not to apply for ADA's approval. Therefore, their performance will not have been really tested and verified as meeting minimum norms set by ADA. So, their toothpastes cannot be always relied upon to give the requisite performance.

Toothpaste brands that contain fluoride are good for teeth as they help prevent cavities in teeth. However, some of these brands are specifically not meant to be used by children below six years. This is because such children tend to swallow toothpaste. Further, too much fluoride in toothpaste can result in discoloration of permanent teeth.

Besides all these medically significant factors, personal preferences also do play a role in the choice of toothpaste brands by people. Some people like a spearmint flavor, whereas others like some other flavor. Gel-based or paste-based brands all compete for people’s attention. Some people change brands periodically for variety.

Toothbrushes are also available in the market in umpteen brands, designs, colors, head size, and bristle types. Hard bristle toothbrushes need to be used with caution as they may be harsh on gums. Soft bristles are good for teeth as well as gums.

Head size of a toothbrush should be large enough to clean teeth quickly, but should be sufficiently compact so as to easily move about in the mouth, without causing injury to gums. Choose a head size that is comparatively smaller in the case of children.

Bristle contour is another factor that merits attention. It should be chosen based on the advice of a dentist. Different types of bristle contours help effectively clean differently shaped and conditioned teeth and gums.

In any case, toothbrushes need to be replaced by new ones at least every three months, as by then the bristles have lost their contour. They will be worn, look misshapen or frayed. In no case should toothbrushes be dipped in hot water, as then the life of bristles is reduced and their shape and contour goes easily out of form."

Reference Link:

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Fear"

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Invisalign Teen

Align Technology has finally developed a clear orthodontic appliance that has been approved for TEENAGERS! This clear tooth aligner is called "Invisalign Teen". Essentially, Invisalign Teen has the identical design and components as the original Invisalign aligners that was developed for adults, but these tooth aligners have been expressly fabricated for growing teenagers with some additional specifications that are directly related to the growth & developmental changes related to the adolescent.

Twitter Contest Answer: "Invisalign Teen"

For more information and a free orthodontic consultation, call our office at 904-269-2022 or visit our website at Hope to see you soon!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash (Movie Trailer)

This year's Summer Movie Bash may be the Best Ever! Take a moment check out the movie trailer through the following link ...... It appears to be truly amazing!

If you would like more information pertaining to the 2009 Summer Movie Bash, please review to the blog entry that was made on May 13, 2009. Additionally, you can also follow our office twitter account at in order to keep up-to-date with all of the latest details and to participate in the prizes and giveaways that will be occurring during the event in July 2009. Hope to see you there!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Suresmile Braces

Go Beyond Braces,
Beyond Amazement,
Beyond Imagination, and
Enjoy the Smile of a Life Time
With SURESMILE – Next Generation in Orthodontic Treatment!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Change"

A happy person is not a person with a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.

Author: Unknown

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Orthodontics: Brief Explanation

"Orthodontics is the specialized field of dentistry concerned with treatment, correction and prevention of malocclusion of teeth. The word malocclusion refers to “improper or irregular bites” and is the direct opposite of the term occlusion. Within the entire field of dentistry, Orthodontics is probably the most well-known specialized branch and is largely associated with braces, which will be explored in this article.


You may be wondering what exactly is the purpose of Orthodontics and why a specialized field has been developed for this. You may even be wondering why a normal dentist could not practice what an orthodontist does.

Orthodontics is sought for two main reasons. Firstly, it is sought for the practical reason of providing the patient with a fully functional, improved and regular bite. It certainly isn’t too comfortable eating with a bite that’s slightly out of line and twisted. This is by far the number one reason why Orthodontics is sought.

The other reason why people seek this type of treatment is for purely aesthetic reasons (or more commonly known as cosmetic reasons). The patient may already possess a regular bite, however, they are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth especially when they smile. The amount of people seeking Orthodontics for this very reason has been growing rapidly over the last couple of years.


There are several benefits that can be gained from seeking Orthodontics apart from simply improving an irregular bite or improving the appearance of your teeth. Below are some of these.

Orthodontics allows people to experience long-term dental health. This is because properly aligned teeth makes it easier to maintain a good level of oral hygiene. Crooked teeth always make it difficult to reach certain places when cleaning your teeth. This in turn, reduces the risk of tooth decay.

One of the most unknown benefits of Orthodontics, is the fact that a good bite can allow you to chew more efficiently leading to improved digestion. Those can cannot chew in an efficient manner can potentially experience nutritional deficiencies.

In addition, seeking treatment from an orthodontist can improve your speech. Many people who possess misaligned teeth experience speaking difficulties which can be easily resolved by repositioning teeth.

Lastly, it’s an unknown fact that those with improper bites are also the ones whose back teeth will wear out more quickly than normal. Orthodontics is able to treat such a problem and give you better, healthier teeth in the long-term.

What Tools Are Used?

There are number of tools are that commonly used in the field of Orthodontics. However, there are 2 main ones which will now be quickly discussed.

The most common tool and the one which Orthodontics is most associated with are dental braces (orthodontic braces). These are used to align people’s teeth according to their bite. Orthodontists have to assess a person’s correct or ideal bite before proceeding to putting braces on the teeth.

The next most common tools in Orthodontics are retainers, which may be used for 2 different reasons. They may be used to realign teeth before using dental braces or after using dental braces to hold teeth in their new position. They are typically made out of wires and plastic."

Article Reference Source:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Thoughts & Quotes: Life's Challenges

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Nelson Mandela

Sunday, May 31, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash

Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

Who: Our Patients and Your “Best Friend”

All orthodontic patients of the office of Dr. Robert P. Fields, your friendly neighborhood Orthodontist, are invited to attend the opening night & private showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Please bring your very “Best Friend” along to help celebrate & participate in all of the Fun and Excitement of the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

What: Patient Appreciation Event

This exciting Annual Summer Event & Movie Night is sponsored by the Orthodontic office of Dr. Robert P. Fields in appreciation for all of the “Beautiful Smiles” of the many patients that have visited his office over the past sixteen years. Here’s to all of our patients and their “Beautiful Smiles”, “Happy Faces”, our Great Friends, and to a Wonderful Summer of Fun in the Sun!

When: Friday, July 17th

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will premiere in July, and you are invited to be our guest on the opening night which will be Friday, July 17th…. Date & Time are subject to change! Plan to attend and enjoy a Night into the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

Where: AMC Movie Theaters (OP Mall)

The Movie Night event will be held at the Orange Park Mall in the AMC Movie Theaters which is located at 1910 Wells Road, Orange Park, Florida 32073. If you need directions, please feel free to contact our office at 904-269-2022.

How: Procedure for Reserving Your Seats

Movie “Vouchers”, which will entitle each patient to two (2) Movie “Tickets” to see the movie at our private showing on Friday, July 17th, will be provided to each patient who “reserves” their tickets in advance. Movie Vouchers will be distributed on a “first come” basis and continue until all of the seats in the reserved movie theater (approximately 500 tickets) have been distributed. Movie Vouchers may be picked up from either of our two convenient office locations in Fleming Island or Orange Park starting on July 6th.

Movie “Voucher” Pick-Up Times & Locations:

Orange Park Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
421 Kingsley Avenue
Bldg. 300, Suites 301
Orange Park, FL 32073

July 6th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 8th Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 14th Tuesday 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Fleming Island Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
2245 Plantation Center Drive
Bldg. 6, Suites 34 & 35
Fleming Island, FL 32003

July 7th Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 9th Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 13th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Additional Tickets for “Family & Friends”

“Friends & Family” are also invited to attend this Special Summer Bash Event. Additional tickets for all of your Friends & Family will be made available for purchase at a discounted rate of $6.00 per ticket. Friends & Family can reserve a seat by contacting our office at any of the “Movie Voucher Pick-up Times” and pre-pay for your “Movie Tickets”. “Movie Vouchers” will be provided at that time which will be redeemable for your actual “Movie Tickets” during the “Movie Ticket Distribution” at the AMC Movie Theater inside the Orange Park Mall on Friday, July 17th.

Movie “Ticket” Distribution

You can pick up your actual “Movie Tickets” at the Orange Park Mall AMC Movie Theater, on Friday, July 17th from 5:00 pm until 5:15 pm. Our office will have a movie ticket distribution table in the lobby of the Orange Park AMC Movie Theater, and our staff will be glad to assist you with your movie tickets and theater passes.


Please present your movie vouchers to our staff by lining up according to your last name. You will then receive your movie tickets along with a gift bag, and an entry ticket for special event prizes & drawings. Then, LET THE FUN begin.

Details and Information:

For any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact our office at any time as our office staff will be glad to assist you in any way possible. Our office telephone number is 904-269-2022.

Thoughts and Quotes: "Change"

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.

Theodore Roosevelt

Saturday, May 30, 2009


The latest advances in clinical technology now allow for the use of robotics to bend the orthodontic wires so that individual tooth movements can be incorporated simultaneously throughout the entire mouth. Therefore, the actual treatment results are completed more quickly .... approximately 40% faster than traditional braces! The most amazing aspect of this technology is that the robots can place bends in the wires in all three planes of space for every tooth, and it can all be completed at the same time.

The Answer for today's Twitter Contest: SURESMILE

Tweet back the answer, and you win raffle tickets for the prizes and drawing to be held at the annual Summer Movie Bash event in July! Hope to see you there.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Invisalign & Vivera Retainers

"Align Technology, Inc. today announced the launch of Vivera retainers, a new subscription-based program that delivers clear, fresh retainers to orthodontic patients every three months for an entire year. Studies show that without retention, even perfectly aligned teeth can gradually revert to their pre-treatment state, and that dentition continues to change into a patient's 50s and beyond.

Vivera retainers is an effective, aesthetic retention solution that delivers new retainers directly to patients or to the treating doctor four times a year. Unlike other traditional clear retainers, Vivera retainers are made with the same state-of-the-art technology as Invisalign aligners, which employ 3-D digital imaging, proprietary clear thermoplastic material and advanced fabrication technology to create a strong retainer with a precise, comfortable fit.

Retainers need to be strong enough to maintain tooth position. Align's lab tests show that Vivera's proprietary thermoplastic material is more than 30 percent stronger than other leading clear retainer materials. That strength is a key quality for retaining teeth in their final position. Align's research also demonstrates that many clear thermoplastic retainers begin to deform (warp or crack) after as little as two months of simulated daytime wear, impacting their ability to maintain teeth in their final retained position.

"Vivera retainers were created to fit the needs of patients' busy lifestyles," stated Rick Matty, general manager, new products at Align Technology. "Not only do patients get the convenience of fresh retainers delivered to their door throughout the year, they get a retainer that works."

"Vivera retainers are going to help me keep my patients in working retention," said Kenneth Carver DDS. Dr. Carver has a private practice in Kingsport, Tennessee and is CEO of U.S. Dental Institute, an organization that has provided continuing education courses to dental professionals for more than thirty years. "Vivera is a complete program that overcomes the typical barriers to good retention by delivering fresh, aesthetic retainers on a set schedule and by providing an easy process for replacing lost or damaged retainers."

Article Reference Source: Align Technology

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Success"

Success is the result of Good Judgment,
Good Judgment is the result of Experience, and
Experience is often the result of Bad Judgment!

Tony Robbins

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash (Movie Trailer)

This year's Summer Movie Bash may be the Best Ever! Take a moment check out the movie trailer through the following link ...... It appears to be truly amazing!

If you would like more information pertaining to the 2009 Summer Movie Bash, please review to the blog entry that was made on May 13, 2009. Additionally, you can also follow our office twitter account at in order to keep up-to-date with all of the latest details and to participate in the prizes and giveaways that will be occurring during the event in July 2009. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


"Orthodontics is the specialized field of dentistry concerned with treatment, correction and prevention of malocclusion of teeth. The word malocclusion refers to “improper or irregular bites” and is the direct opposite of the term occlusion. Within the entire field of dentistry, Orthodontics is probably the most well-known specialized branch and is largely associated with braces, which will be explored in this article.


You may be wondering what exactly is the purpose of Orthodontics and why a specialized field has been developed for this. You may even be wondering why a normal dentist could not practice what an orthodontist does.

Orthodontics is sought for two main reasons. Firstly, it is sought for the practical reason of providing the patient with a fully functional, improved and regular bite. It certainly isn’t too comfortable eating with a bite that’s slightly out of line and twisted. This is by far the number one reason why Orthodontics is sought.

The other reason why people seek this type of treatment is for purely aesthetic reasons (or more commonly known as cosmetic reasons). The patient may already possess a regular bite, however, they are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth especially when they smile. The amount of people seeking Orthodontics for this very reason has been growing rapidly over the last couple of years.


There are several benefits that can be gained from seeking Orthodontics apart from simply improving an irregular bite or improving the appearance of your teeth. Below are some of these.

Orthodontics allows people to experience long-term dental health. This is because properly aligned teeth makes it easier to maintain a good level of oral hygiene. Crooked teeth always make it difficult to reach certain places when cleaning your teeth. This in turn, reduces the risk of tooth decay.

One of the most unknown benefits of Orthodontics, is the fact that a good bite can allow you to chew more efficiently leading to improved digestion. Those can cannot chew in an efficient manner can potentially experience nutritional deficiencies.

In addition, seeking treatment from an orthodontist can improve your speech. Many people who possess misaligned teeth experience speaking difficulties which can be easily resolved by repositioning teeth.

Lastly, it’s an unknown fact that those with improper bites are also the ones whose back teeth will wear out more quickly than normal. Orthodontics is able to treat such a problem and give you better, healthier teeth in the long-term.

What Tools Are Used?

There are number of tools are that commonly used in the field of Orthodontics. However, there are 2 main ones which will now be quickly discussed.

The most common tool and the one which Orthodontics is most associated with are dental braces (orthodontic braces). These are used to align people’s teeth according to their bite. Orthodontists have to assess a person’s correct or ideal bite before proceeding to putting braces on the teeth.

The next most common tools in Orthodontics are retainers, which may be used for 2 different reasons. They may be used to realign teeth before using dental braces or after using dental braces to hold teeth in their new position. They are typically made out of wires and plastic.

There’s no doubt that dental care is an important facet of your health and that Orthodontics is one of the best ways to achieve this."

Article Source:

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Here's a Salute to all of our military veterans! A sincerely grateful nation is appreciative of all of the sacrifices to the principles of freedom that our country holds so dear ... We are all thankful for your service and dedication!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quotes and Thoughts: "Good Men"

"A good man does not give orders, but leads by example."


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dental Update: Clean Teeth & Brain Power

Here's an interesting article about the importance of routine dental cleanings and research into a possible relationship to your brain. Remember - Dental cleanings should be completed every six months or more frequently when recommended by your family dentist or periodontist. If you have not had a cleaning recently, please contact your dentist to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Twitter Contest Answer: Dental Cleanings

Clean Teeth May Improve Your Brain

By Erica Goodstone, Ph.D.

"New finding. Surprising results. Seeing your dentist regularly may actually help your brain. It seems that periodontal problems, also known as gum disease, may be related to onset of Alzheimer's Disease.

· Do you floss your teeth every night?
· Do you floss your teeth between meals?
· Do you floss your teeth properly?
· Have you seen your dentist lately?
· Do you have any bleeding or soreness in your gums?

Some of us tend to avoid seeing the dentist as regularly as we have been told we should. Some of us avoid flossing our teeth because it can be difficult to get between tightly packed teeth and sometimes the floss can tear in the process. Lately, many of us are struggling with financial deficits, debts and problems. And, there are not many really good dental health plans to alleviate some of the financial burden of having our teeth properly checked.

So, you may have been thinking, "It's only my teeth. If the problem gets severe enough, the dentist will just extract the tooth, and I'll be done with it." If this is the way you've been handling your dental health - or - if you've just been putting off that needed dental appointment to buy some item for your house, to go on a fun vacation, to buy some extra clothes, or for some frivolous fun, think again. At New York University, a team of doctors have recently linked Alzheimer's Disease to periodontal problems, i.e., gum disease. These doctors have found high levels of bacterial infections that elevate inflammatory molecules in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. This current research corroborate earlier research form The University of British Columbia, which revealed high levels of the same bacteria found in periodontal disease within the brains of patients suffering from dementia.

These doctors are not suggesting that just clearing up periodontal problems will immediately heal Alzheimer's Disease. However, the research does suggest that a clean bill of dental health may slow the progression of this debilitating disease. Angela Kamer, Assistant Professor at the NYU College of Dentistry and her research team, compared the brain function of 18 Alzheimer's patients at an early stage of the disease with what is considered "normal brain function." What they discovered is that 72% of the Alzheimer's patients had an antibody associated with periodontal bacteria, whereas only 38% of the normal group had such an antibody.

I am not a dentist and have no affiliation with the field of dentistry. I just found this study to be an alarming wake up call. So - if you've been putting off that dreaded visit to your local dentist or if you've had pain and bleeding gums for awhile and you think that's just because you have more sensitive gums, or some such incorrect assessment - think again. Taking care of your teeth may help to preserve your health in ways that you do not realize, perhaps even beyond this recent research about Alzheimer's."

Article Source:,_Ph.D."

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: "Change"

"Change is the law of life.
And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

President John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bleaching: White Smiles after Braces

Have you ever considered bleaching your teeth? Bleaching can provide a whiter and brighter smile. After completion of orthodontic treatment, bleach is especially effective and a perfect final touch to that beautiful smile. Here's an informational article about bleaching that will assist you with understanding your treatment options. Visit your orthodontist and get a brighter smile today.

Make Your Teeth Bright White

By Staci Anderson

"Many people love the look of bright white teeth, but they are unsure about the procedures. What works and what doesn't work? There are many ways you can go about whitening your teeth and stay within your budget. Stop wishing and start taking steps to make your teeth bright white:

- There are many options at the drugstore for a cheap option. Get a whitening toothpaste, mouthwash and white strips and use them together. You will notice a change in just a few days.

- Whitening trays can be ordered from your dentist. Usually the treatment lasts about 4 weeks and many people see astonishing results.

- Your dentist also might be able to offer you ultra-violet light treatment for a white blast. You teeth will immediately be whiter, but this is the more costly option.

- Stop drinking colas and coffee. These drinks stain your teeth and can build up over the years until you have very yellow teeth.

- Make sure you are getting enough nutrition. If your body is lacking nutrients like calcium, your teeth will not achieve the whiteness you desire.

- Take into account your skin tone. If you are pale, your teeth may not appear as bright as they actually are.

Make your teeth bright white by following the directions above and then deciding which option is going to be right for you. Many people are managing to achieve bright white teeth without breaking the bank. In return, they are more confident and willing to take chances in their life. Start making your life better by whitening your teeth!"

Article Source:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: Be True ....

Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.

Henry David Thoreau

Monday, May 18, 2009

Orthodontic Treatment with Suresmile (Robotics)

The latest advances in clinical technology now allow for the use of robotics to bend the orthodontic wires so that individual tooth movements can be incorporated simultaneously throughout the entire mouth. Therefore, the actual treatment results are completed more quickly .... approximately 40% faster than traditional braces! The most amazing aspect of this technology is that the robots can place bends in the wires in all three planes of space for every tooth, and it can all be completed at the same time.

The Answer for today's Twitter Contest: SURESMILE

Tweet back the answer, and you win raffle tickets for the prizes and drawing to be held at the annual Summer Movie Bash event in July! Hope to see you there.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash (Movie Trailer)

This year's Summer Movie Bash may be the Best Ever! Take a moment check out the movie trailer through the following link ...... It appears to be truly amazing!

If you would like more information pertaining to the 2009 Summer Movie Bash, please review to the blog entry that was made on May 13, 2009. Additionally, you can also follow our office twitter account at in order to keep up-to-date with all of the latest details and to participate in the prizes and giveaways that will be occurring during the event in July 2009. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2009 Summer Movie Bash (Twitter Contest)

For those participating in the Twitter contest for the free raffle tickets for the 2009 Summer Movie Bash, here's the Answer for today's Tweet Question:

"Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince"

Raffle tickets will be awarded to the first three (3) tweeters who can "tweet" back with the correct answer to today's twitter question. Raffle tickets may be claimed at any time prior to the contest drawing by calling 269-2022 or by visiting the Orthodontic Office of Dr. Robert Fields. You may win as many raffle tickets as possible ..... Tweeters who earn the most raffle tickets will have the greatest chance of winning the contest drawings and/or receiving "free" movie tickets to this year's Summer Movie Bash.

Best of Luck and Have a Great "Tweet" of a Day!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thoughts and Quotes: Angels

To see an Angel, you must see another's soul.

To feel an Angel, you must touch another's heart.

To hear an Angel, you must listen to both...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Twitter Update for 2009 Summer Movie Bash

The 2009 Summer Movie Bash is scheduled for July! This year's show will be the new Harry Potter movie, and it should be quite an event. As in the past, the Summer Movie Bash will have a private viewing of this film on Friday night at the AMC 24 Theater in Orange Park, Florida. There will prizes, raffles, and FREE movie tickets for the VIP guests - Our Orthodontic Patients, their friends and family. Everyone is eligible to win ...

Stay tuned to Twitter and follow our office account at in order to track the event and participate in this annual summer evening of movie fun. The twitter account will keep you up-to-date on all of the details plus you can "Tweet" to WIN raffle tickets for the giveaway drawings. Tweets will be sent out every week, and the first people to respond will receive raffle tickets & prizes to be given away at the 2009 Summer Movie Bash. Additional information can be found on through our blog or on our website:

Stay tuned for more details, win lots of raffle tickets, and See You At The Movies!

2009 Summer Movie Bash

Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

Who: Our Patients and Your “Best Friend”

All orthodontic patients of the office of Dr. Robert P. Fields, your friendly neighborhood Orthodontist, are invited to attend the opening night & private showing of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Please bring your very “Best Friend” along to help celebrate & participate in all of the Fun and Excitement of the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

What: Patient Appreciation Event

This exciting Annual Summer Event & Movie Night is sponsored by the Orthodontic office of Dr. Robert P. Fields in appreciation for all of the “Beautiful Smiles” of the many patients that have visited his office over the past sixteen years. Here’s to all of our patients and their “Beautiful Smiles”, “Happy Faces”, our Great Friends, and to a Wonderful Summer of Fun in the Sun!

When: Friday, July 17th

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will premiere in July, and you are invited to be our guest on the opening night which will be Friday, July 17th…. Date & Time are subject to change! Plan to attend and enjoy a Night into the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

Where: AMC Movie Theaters (OP Mall)

The Movie Night event will be held at the Orange Park Mall in the AMC Movie Theaters which is located at 1910 Wells Road, Orange Park, Florida 32073. If you need directions, please feel free to contact our office at 904-269-2022.

How: Procedure for Reserving Your Seats

Movie “Vouchers”, which will entitle each patient to two (2) Movie “Tickets” to see the movie at our private showing on Friday, July 17th, will be provided to each patient who “reserves” their tickets in advance. Movie Vouchers will be distributed on a “first come” basis and continue until all of the seats in the reserved movie theater (approximately 500 tickets) have been distributed. Movie Vouchers may be picked up from either of our two convenient office locations in Fleming Island or Orange Park starting on July 6th.

Movie “Voucher” Pick-Up Times & Locations:

Orange Park Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
421 Kingsley Avenue
Bldg. 300, Suites 301
Orange Park, FL 32073

July 6th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 8th Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 14th Tuesday 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Fleming Island Office:

Dr. Robert P. Fields
2245 Plantation Center Drive
Bldg. 6, Suites 34 & 35
Fleming Island, FL 32003

July 7th Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 9th Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 13th Monday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Additional Tickets for “Family & Friends”

“Friends & Family” are also invited to attend this Special Summer Bash Event. Additional tickets for all of your Friends & Family will be made available for purchase at a discounted rate of $6.00 per ticket. Friends & Family can reserve a seat by contacting our office at any of the “Movie Voucher Pick-up Times” and pre-pay for your “Movie Tickets”. “Movie Vouchers” will be provided at that time which will be redeemable for your actual “Movie Tickets” during the “Movie Ticket Distribution” at the AMC Movie Theater inside the Orange Park Mall on Friday, July 17th.

Movie “Ticket” Distribution

You can pick up your actual “Movie Tickets” at the Orange Park Mall AMC Movie Theater, on Friday, July 17th from 5:00 pm until 5:15 pm. Our office will have a movie ticket distribution table in the lobby of the Orange Park AMC Movie Theater, and our staff will be glad to assist you with your movie tickets and theater passes.


Please present your movie vouchers to our staff by lining up according to your last name. You will then receive your movie tickets along with a gift bag, and an entry ticket for special event prizes & drawings. Then, LET THE FUN begin.

Details and Information:

For any additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact our office at any time as our office staff will be glad to assist you in any way possible. Our office telephone number is 904-269-2022.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Early Treatment Outcomes

Research studies into the overall treatment outcomes for orthodontic patients has been reviewed with the following conclusions:

1. Early orthodontic treatment does not provide any better treatment outcomes. Therefore, there are no distinct treatment advantages of early treatment.

2. Prolonged Phase I (Early) and Phase II treatment leads to patient "burn out" with less patient compliance resulting in inadequate oral hygiene care and orthodontic therapy over time.

3. When treatment efficiency as assessed, combining Phase I & Phase II therapy less efficient when compared to Phase II treatment alone with its corresponding shorter overall treatment time.

4. In reviewing orthodontic retention for Phase I patients, there are more retention problems in the younger patients as reported by Wheeler (AJO 2002) and Weislander (AJO 1993).

5. A clinical analysis of the "Best Treatment Time" for patients reveals that the ideal time is between the ages of 10-13 immediately following the exfoliation of the E's and in conjunction with the eruption of the 12-year molar teeth.

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Skeletal Changes Associated With Early Treatment

Various research studies has been used to assess the effect of "Extraction Treatment" on skeletal changes to the facial profiles and overall "looks". McNamara (AJO 1985), Panchez (AJO 1985), Bacetti (AJO 2000), and Faltin (AL 2003) reported that "Extraction Treatment" protocols are not effective or even recommended for achieving skeletal changes. Additionally, extraction therapy does not cause any negative effects to the facial profile, and therefore, the unsubstantiated belief of altered profile changes was proven to be false.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Phase I & Phase II Treatment

Three randomized clinical trials were conducted at the University of North Carolina (Dr. Tulloch), the University of Florida (Dr. Wheeler), and the United Kingdom (Dr. O'Brien) to assess the clinical effectiveness of Phase I & Phase II therapy versus Phase II treatment by itself. Although these studies have evaluated many facets of orthodontic treatment outcomes, the overall conclusion of all three RCT's was that there is no clinically significant differences between Phase I therapy when combines with Phase II therapy versus Phase II treatment by itself. The only statistically significant difference was related to the overall treatment time, and the Phase II treatment was approximately seventeen (17) months shorter than the combined therapy of a Phase I and Phase II approach.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Extraction Treatment & TMD Syndrome

Although the concept of TMD and its relationship to premolar extraction therapy has a historically significant perspective in the field of orthodontics, the research in this area is definitive and conclusive. Essentially, there are several clinical investigations related to the topic of premolar extraction cases that have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that orthodontic treatment does not cause or contribute to TMD related symptoms.

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Evidence Based Orthodontics

Early treatment philosophies in the field of orthodontics were frequently being based upon "personal opinion" through individual "testimonies" relative to treatment outcomes. Today, the specialty of orthodontics is moving to a higher standard of research investigative efforts and a hierarchy of clinical evidence has been established. Specifically, the hierarchy of evidence in ascending order from the "lowest" to the "highest" standard of evidence is as follows:

1. Expert Opinion
2. Case Report
3. Case Series
4. Case-Control Study
5. Cohert Study
6. Randomized Clinical Trial
7. Systematic Review with a Meta-Analysis

The "Gold Standard" for the clinical research is the Randomized Clinical Trial, and the current trend in research is to make clinical treatment decisions based upon the evidence provided from a randomized clinical trial.

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Contemporary Trends in Orthodontics

Technological advances in medical and dental therapy have made tremendous strides in recent years. Specifically, in the areas of orthodontic treatment modalities, patients have greater treatment choices and options than ever before in the history of dentistry. Recent 3-dimensional imaging have given birth to extremely precise methods of tooth movements with both Suresmile "robotics" which utilize traditional metal brackets and Invisalign aligners with clear plastic trays .... The Suresmile system does provide more consistency and superior results with the ability to overcome the more challenging orthodontic cases. With it expensive marketing campaign, Align Technology has been able to create a large market share for their Invisalign product although the use of the aligner appliances are more limited in the scope of treatment and overall orthodontic treatment.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign orthodontic treatment using aligner appliances has grown in acceptance over the past few years. The clinical experts discussed "Force Systems" and the relationships between aligners & braces. The application of orthodontic forces is essentially the same for both types of appliances although the speaker indicated that the "difficult" cases are truly very difficult with the invisalign aligner plastic appliance. Braces continue to provide superior predictability of treatment success with these more challenging cases. Other topics discussed during this presentation included "invisalign attachments" and the "segmental mechanics" associated treatment sequencing with aligner therapy. Case selection and proper treatment planning along with the sequential movements associated with tooth movements will facilitate successful therapeutic outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston) Risk Management

AAO panel discussion of Risk Management issues relative to the orthodontic practice in today's society. The panel discussed such topics as radiographic image quality, progress radiographic images, informed consent, informed refusal, effective treatment documentation, the referral of Cone Bean CT scans for radiographic evaluation by certified oral radiologists, electronic records systems, email correspondence, scanning orthodontically records for long-term storage capacity, records requests, patient communications, emergency contact methods, discontinuation of orthodontic treatment, and standard of care issues. This session was well-attended and enlightening. The speakers emphasized its recommendations for compliance and protection in cases of risk management exposure, and member attendance was rewarded with a premium reduction for the AAO sponsored policy coverage.

Friday, May 1, 2009

2009 AAO Meeting (Boston)

The 2009 American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) meeting begins this week in Boston. The annual meeting agenda will provide the latest in orthodontic research and development with direct applications to the clinical treatment of orthodontic patients. Additionally, the technological advancements in 3D imaginary along with enhanced software development continue to improve therapeutic tools that will have strategic advantages in both the fields of medicine and dentistry. The specialty field of Orthodontics has seen dramatic changes within the past five years as seen in new treatment methodologies such as Suresmile, Invisalign, Cone Bean CT scans, and TAD's. As the 2009 AAO meeting convenes, updates will be provided so as to facilitate the distribution of the educational material within the dental community and to the general public at large.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Suresmile Video

Taylor Swift Video Contest


community events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam elit. Ut fermentum consequat eros. Donec condimentum dui sed dui. Donec sem. Praesent urna. In sit amet lorem ac orci faucibus ornare. Etiam neque ligula, fermentum ut, elementum vel, varius ut, nisi. Quisque pharetra tellus id arcu. Pellentesque rhoncus sapien id ipsum. Vivamus ullamcorper laoreet nisl.

Phasellus eros. Cras dolor metus, malesuada a, egestas in, ultricies tristique, lorem. Quisque tempor, leo vitae pharetra pellentesque, libero turpis malesuada nulla, eu placerat sapien justo et velit. Aliquam et arcu tempor ipsum ultrices fermentum. Morbi sollicitudin, metus eu ultrices elementum, leo nisi venenatis nulla, sed egestas nisl est vitae eros. Ut augue. Donec ornare. Donec egestas lorem quis ipsum. Proin gravida sollicitudin velit. Donec a quam. Proin justo magna, malesuada dapibus, ornare et, sollicitudin et, velit. Quisque vitae risus. Duis sed turpis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam elit. Ut fermentum consequat eros. Donec condimentum dui sed dui. Donec sem. Praesent urna. In sit amet lorem ac orci faucibus ornare. Etiam neque ligula, fermentum ut, elementum vel, varius ut, nisi. Quisque pharetra tellus id arcu. Pellentesque rhoncus sapien id ipsum. Vivamus ullamcorper laoreet nisl.

Phasellus eros. Cras dolor metus, malesuada a, egestas in, ultricies tristique, lorem. Quisque tempor, leo vitae pharetra pellentesque, libero turpis malesuada nulla, eu placerat sapien justo et velit. Aliquam et arcu tempor ipsum ultrices fermentum. Morbi sollicitudin, metus eu ultrices elementum, leo nisi venenatis nulla, sed egestas nisl est vitae eros. Ut augue. Donec ornare. Donec egestas lorem quis ipsum. Proin gravida sollicitudin velit. Donec a quam. Proin justo magna, malesuada dapibus, ornare et, sollicitudin et, velit. Quisque vitae risus. Duis sed turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam elit. Ut fermentum consequat eros. Donec condimentum dui sed dui. Donec sem. Praesent urna. In sit amet lorem ac orci faucibus ornare. Etiam neque ligula, fermentum ut, elementum vel, varius ut, nisi. Quisque pharetra tellus id arcu. Pellentesque rhoncus sapien id ipsum. Vivamus ullamcorper laoreet nisl.

Phasellus eros. Cras dolor metus, malesuada a, egestas in, ultricies tristique, lorem. Quisque tempor, leo vitae pharetra pellentesque, libero turpis malesuada nulla, eu placerat sapien justo et velit. Aliquam et arcu tempor ipsum ultrices fermentum. Morbi sollicitudin, metus eu ultrices elementum, leo nisi venenatis nulla, sed egestas nisl est vitae eros. Ut augue. Donec ornare. Donec egestas lorem quis ipsum. Proin gravida sollicitudin velit. Donec a quam. Proin justo magna, malesuada dapibus, ornare et, sollicitudin et, velit. Quisque vitae risus. Duis sed turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam elit. Ut fermentum consequat eros. Donec condimentum dui sed dui. Donec sem. Praesent urna. In sit amet lorem ac orci faucibus ornare. Etiam neque ligula, fermentum ut, elementum vel, varius ut, nisi. Quisque pharetra tellus id arcu. Pellentesque rhoncus sapien id ipsum. Vivamus ullamcorper laoreet nisl.

Phasellus eros. Cras dolor metus, malesuada a, egestas in, ultricies tristique, lorem. Quisque tempor, leo vitae pharetra pellentesque, libero turpis malesuada nulla, eu placerat sapien justo et velit. Aliquam et arcu tempor ipsum ultrices fermentum. Morbi sollicitudin, metus eu ultrices elementum, leo nisi venenatis nulla, sed egestas nisl est vitae eros. Ut augue. Donec ornare. Donec egestas lorem quis ipsum. Proin gravida sollicitudin velit. Donec a quam. Proin justo magna, malesuada dapibus, ornare et, sollicitudin et, velit. Quisque vitae risus. Duis sed turpis.

our first post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque sed enim at mauris tincidunt tincidunt. Integer sed felis et neque malesuada luctus. Nam malesuada. Duis erat massa, porttitor vitae, faucibus et, semper id, augue. Sed tristique, enim sed lacinia condimentum, magna velit euismod ante, fringilla rutrum neque orci vel enim. Phasellus a nulla. Aliquam euismod consequat mauris. Nunc lobortis lectus rutrum nulla facilisis sodales. Fusce risus augue, convallis ac, porttitor eu, tristique et, risus. Ut urna. Suspendisse sit amet est. Aliquam lacinia, massa eget faucibus condimentum, felis tortor egestas velit, vel vehicula tellus odio vitae magna. Aliquam a augue.

Donec lacinia purus id arcu feugiat euismod. Duis in nibh. Proin cursus. Quisque tristique fermentum dolor. Mauris volutpat vulputate purus. Etiam aliquet. Etiam vitae massa vitae nisi tincidunt ultricies. Integer gravida euismod arcu. In dapibus augue ac nisi. Praesent at orci. Vestibulum tempor accumsan urna. In dapibus. Maecenas fermentum dolor non ante. Suspendisse at lectus sit amet purus iaculis mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer lacus leo, pellentesque vitae, egestas eget, pharetra lacinia, sem. Curabitur sed quam sed metus porttitor hendrerit. Donec posuere mattis enim. Vestibulum suscipit metus eget turpis. Sed et magna.